Route 66, for many years, was considered the road to opportunity. It was the route number assigned to the highway that ran from Chicago to Los Angeles. The original intent of the road was to connect the rural American to larger cities. In its early years, Route 66 provided the path for 200,000 Americans to escape the Dust Bowl and migrate to California. It was proclaimed "The Mother Road" by John Steinbeck. In the forties and fifties, travel was encouraged and Route 66 inspired the development of roadside campsites, motels, and gas stations. During the sixties and seventies, the highway was replaced with a more streamlined interstate system. In 1984, Route 66 disappeared from maps as many stretches fell into disuse and were no longer intact.
Route 66 runs through Flagstaff where Christine will begin her journey and her road to opportunity.
Lord, please help me to bring
Comfort where there is pain
Courage where there is fear
Hope where there is despair
Acceptence when the end is near
and a touch gentle with tenderness,
patience, and love.
Ice Cream Cake Combinations
Gold medal ribbon/ chocolate
CookiesNcream/ chocolate
Jamoca Almond Fudge/ chocolate
Mint chocolate chip/ chocolate Chocolate/ chocolate